
DeltaCad is a simple CAD program for Windows and Mac.


DeltaCad is a simple CAD program for Windows and Mac. The application has a simple interface with on-screen instructions for the user.

It can work with popular file types such as .dwg, .dxf, .dxb, etc. Macros can also be created - using visual basic.

This program received 1 award
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WillyZ 9 days ago

Used for years doing hardware store floor plan layouts and merchandising

Kg 2 months ago

I've used the basic macro in DeltaCad to design sundials, both large and small for the last 20+ years. The macro allows sophisticated computations for setting various aspects of the sundial with great precision (such as hour lines). There exists a great number of DeltaCad basic scripts for a wide variety of sundials...some that are very unusual.I've used DeltaCad to export DXF files for cutting aluminum vertical sundials that are approximately 12x15 feet (4mx5m) and have had no problem of commercial houses using the DXF files.

SUSAN AMIRADAKI 5 months ago

I think this a fantastic little program for my use. I have been using it for about 20 years doing house plans. Sue

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