DeltaCad comments

Creates, manages and modifies CAD projects

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rating Erwin Oman
I have been using D-Cad for many years to create industry standards. I am now using Deltacad 8.0. Unfortunately, when I capture the graphics and paste it in my word document, the fonts sometimes squeeze together. The representation of the final product is not appealing.
Also, lately, since I moved to Windows 11, when I select my geometry (I select only the immediate part of the graphics) and paste it onto my word document, the captured window to be pasted is much larger than taken from the delta Cad file.
Can you offer suggestions/recommendations on how to ensure that the fonts remain the same when transferring to a word file and secondly, what can be done to ensure that only the zone I selected will be the one pasted onto the word file?.
I have tried Arial fonts and am now using Times New Roman CE

4 days ago Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
rating WillyZ
Used for years doing hardware store floor plan layouts and merchandising.

2 months ago Was it helpful?  yes(2) no(0) | Reply
I've used the basic macro in DeltaCad to design sundials, both large and small for the last 20+ years. The macro allows sophisticated computations for setting various aspects of the sundial with great precision (such as hour lines). There exists a great number of DeltaCad basic scripts for a wide variety of sundials...some that are very unusual.

I've used DeltaCad to export DXF files for cutting aluminum vertical sundials that are approximately 12x15 feet (4mx5m) and have had no problem of commercial houses using the DXF files.

3 months ago Was it helpful?  yes(1) no(0) | Reply
I think this a fantastic little program for my use. I have been using it for about 20 years doing house plans. Sue

Jul 28, 2024 Was it helpful?  yes(2) no(0) | Reply
rating John Gilday
Have used this for over 10 years, saddened and stunned they discontinued it. VERY intuitive and powerful CAD program.

Feb 13, 2024 Was it helpful?  yes(8) no(0) | Reply
rating Juarez Silveira Sant'Anna
Only the best! Don't stop the revisions.

Sep 5, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(2) no(0) | Reply
rating Raymond Clark
Thanks that I can run my old .dc files on a new Mac OS Ventura 13.5.

Aug 14, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(1) no(0) | Reply
rating Kongnso
This is a good program

Feb 2, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(1) no(0) | Reply
rating TVNP
I’ve been using the free version for 10 years and it’s the easiest drawing software I know

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I too have used this deltacad for the 45 day trial and its all I will ever need as a small drafter. I am now going ahead and buying this program, solely because it was no fuss to download the trial version, unlike many of the others that offer a trial , were you can't print or save.(what are they afraid off) deltacad trusted me with this 45 day trial and having proved its worth I am buying it.

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This is the best 2D Drawing package/program I've come across.

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I am using DeltaCAD 5.0. DeltaCAD is 2D, but, so is paper, and the Internet (3D computer files are a falacy). I find v5.0 to be easy to learn, and easy to use. I have even learned to do ISOmetric drawings. However, I use Misfit Modeler 3D to make perspectives to insert in DeltaCAD, as well.

I give DeltaCAD 10 of 10. I have tried others, and always come back to DeltaCAD.

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